发布时间:2024-03-04   访问次数:790   作者:



                俞远满  副教授

            Email: ymyu@ecust.edu.cn     




2024.01-至今                     yl6809永利           yl6809永利           副教授

2021.01-2023.12                yl6809永利              材料科学与工程                博士后

2016.09-2020.09                yl6809永利              材料科学与工程                  博士

2012.09-2015.06                yl6809永利              材料科学与工程                  硕士

2008.09-2012.06                 浙江工业大学              材料科学与工程                  学士






主要工作从事促血管化生物材料的构建及其在心梗、脑卒中等重大缺血性疾病中的应用,阐明生物材料与宿主微环境多细胞相互调控规律与机制。共发表SCI论文37篇,其中以第一作者及通讯作者发表于PNASScience AdvancesNature CommunicationsBiomaterials等期刊10篇,并撰写2部英文专著章节。论文总他引千余次。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年基金、中国博士后基金面上项目,参与基金委基础科学中心及国家自然科学基金重点项目。成功入选博士后创新人才支持计划及上海市“超级博士后” 激励计划。


1. Yuanman Yu*, Rui Chen#, Xinye Chen, Jing Wang*, Changsheng Liu*. Regulating the bioactivity of non-glycosylated recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 to enhance bone regeneration. Bioactive Materials2024, 38, 169-180.

2. Yinli Cao, Yuanman Yu*, Lina Pan, Weili Han, Feng Zeng, Jing Wang*, Qiyong Mei*, Changsheng Liu. Sulfated Polysaccharide-Based Nanocarrier Drives Microenvironment-Mediated Cerebral Neurovascular Remodeling for Ischemic Stroke Treatment. Nano Letters2024, 24(17), 5214-5223.

3. Yuanman Yu, Shuang Wang, Xinye Chen, Zehua Gao, Kai Dai, Jing Wang*, Changsheng Liu*. Sulfated oligosaccharide activates endothelial Notch for inducing macrophage-associated arteriogenesis to treat ischemic diseases. PNAS, 2023, 120:e2307480120. (Direct submission).

4. Shengqiang Chen#, Yuanman Yu#, Songqing Xie#, Dandan Liang, Wei Shi, Sizhen Chen, Guanglin Li, Wei Tang*, Changsheng Liu*, Qianjun He*. Local H2 release remodels senscence microenvironment for improved repair of injured bone. Nature Communications, 2023, 14:7783.

5. Xinye Chen, Shuang Wang, Xiaohui Zhang, Yuanman Yu*, Jing Wang*, Changsheng Liu*. Dual-function injectable fibrin gel incorporated with sulfated chitosan nanoparticles for rhBMP-2-induced bone regeneration. Applied Materials Today, 26 (2022) 101347.

6. Yuanman Yu, Kai Dai, Zehua Gao, Wei Tang, Tong Shen, Yuan Yuan, Jing Wang*, Changsheng Liu*. Sulfated polysaccharide directs therapeutic angiogenesis via endogenous VEGF secretion of macrophages, Science Advances, 2021, 7(7): eabd8217.

7. Wei Tang#, Yuanman Yu#, Jing Wang, Hui Liu, Haobo Pan, Guocheng Wang*, Changsheng Liu*. Enhancement and orchestration of osteogenesis and angiogenesis by a dualmodular design of growth factors delivery scaffolds and 26SCS decoration, Biomaterials, 2020, 232: 119645.

8. Yuanman Yu, Rui Chen, Yuan Yuan, Jing Wang*, Changsheng Liu*. Affinity-selected polysaccharide for rhBMP-2-induced osteogenesis via BMP receptor activation, Applied Materials Today, 2020, 20: 100681.

9. Yuanman Yu, Rui Chen, Yi Sun, Yuanzhong Pan, Wei Tang, Shuang Zhang, Lingyan Cao, Yuan Yuan, Jing Wang*, Changsheng Liu*. Manipulation of VEGF-induced angiogenesis by 2-N, 6-O-sulfated chitosan, Acta Biomaterialia, 2018, 71: 510-521.

10. Yuanman Yu, Jie Chen, Rui Chen, Lingyan Cao, Wei Tang, Dan Lin, Jing Wang*, Changsheng Liu*. Enhancement of VEGF-Mediated Angiogenesis by 2-N,6-O-Sulfated Chitosan-Coated Hierarchical PLGA Scaffolds, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7(18): 9982-9990.


1. Fangping Chen, Xiaoyu Ma, Yuanman Yu, Changsheng Liu. Calcium Phosphate Bone Cements: Their Development and Clinical Applications. Developments and Applications of Calcium Phosphate Bone Cements. Springer. 2017.

2. Fangping Chen, Yuanman Yu, Xiaoyu Ma, Changsheng Liu. Injectable Calcium Phosphate Cements for Hard Tissue Repair. Developments and Applications of Calcium Phosphate Bone Cements. Springer. 2017.


1. 刘昌胜; 戴凯; 王靖; 俞远满; 邓顺书; 朱富威. 一种类骨膜组织的仿生构建方法. CN114246985A.

2. 刘昌胜; 钱江潮; 何亚清; 谢倩; 俞远满; 甘琪; 岳述荣; 魏东升. 一种快速测定骨形态发生蛋白2活性的方法. CN114252410A.